Friday, September 21, 2012

Photo Rewind #1

I would like to start sharing more images of our class in action - hopefully that means you'll get a rewind of images from our week on Fridays!

Here is a glance at our week!
After trying our first 'On Demand' timed writing, my authors took the time to share some of their pieces.

Using Scrabble tiles is a fun way to practice our spelling - and our adding skills when we find out how many points each word is worth!

Another fun way to practice our spelling words is by using pipe cleaners!

My boys especially love using this secret code to write their spelling words - they were asking to use it during writing time too!

One portion of our literacy workshop is reading with someone.  This helps us all hear another example of fluent reading - and it is so fun to read with our friends!

We all love to cozy up with a comfy pillow, a good friend, and a good book!

Our new math series has these wonderful pre-made math centers to practice our skills.  We have learned two of the games so far and are really enjoying playing them during math workshop!

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